Wednesday, April 23, 2008

VW Transporter T2a 1970

After considering many cars as candidate to become a Tiny Toy Cars company car, I finally found what I think is just the perfect car for the job.

Last weekend I purchased a 37 year old car... A Volkswagen Transporter T2a, from 1970!!! The current owner has maintained it very well and now I am going to use it as my company car for Tiny Toy Cars!
This van fits perfectly into the Tiny Toy Cars philosophy, it is everything we want Tiny Toy Cars to be!
Owww, the rear is as beautiful as the front!
Artist impression of the possible printing... But I think the actual design will be different... We're open for suggestions!


Anonymous said...

My suggestion would to do it a bit more classical. It looks to modern. I like the door writing.

stephan said...

hi, love your van, color etc. perfect. But for the logo,
i'd simply put the Tiny Toy Car (w/ official font) letters on no background (white kills everything here). and and the lower part, i like those windows!! Anyway, you have sure taste for the rest, I believe you'll make a fantastic job for that van too.

cheers, stephan (France)

Portable Garage said...

You have beautiful color van. I love it.